We are a leading provider of eBusiness strategy and technology solutions for growing companies.  Working together with our customers, we can take e-business to the next level.  We can show how e-business is vital to your bottom line...even to your survival in the coming years. We offer proven best practices and a methodology to give companies like yours a significant competitive advantage in the e-marketplace, allowing you to capitalize on the Internet to support your customers, build your business, and develop a market leadership.

Sigma Six: The Name Spells Quality

The name "Sigma Six" is derived from a statistical quality term. Collections of similar items, people or objects show variation amongst its members. Most such collections fit a pattern called a normal distribution curve. Six Sigmas on the normal distribution of a key product characteristic, such as defects, would mean 3.4 defects per million parts - which reflects virtually no defects. Major corporations are incorporating Six Sigma quality programs as benchmarks for measuring performance. When we were deciding on our company name, we chose "Sigma Six" to reflect our commitment to providing the highest quality software development and consulting services to our clients worldwide.   

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